2020 has certainly brought a series of changes to the way we live and work. These changes mark predominant translation industry trends for 2021.
1. More Medical Translations
It’s been a major area in 2020, with more people having to access healthcare services than ever before. Now, COVID-19 vaccines are being introduced from all over the world. Since the pandemic is a global issue, it requires a huge international effort.
Great volumes of documentation related to research and delivery of new COVID-19 vaccines need to be translated. When we deal with medical translations, accuracy is essential.
2. Growing reliance on Machine Translation
Last year, MT has become an integral part of the translation industry. The only problem is: it lacks accuracy, which is estimated at 60-90 %. A translation agency service comes in handy for the purpose of bringing MT up to a professional quality level, as human post-editing is still obligatory.
MT translation market is valued at $550.5 million in 2019 and expected to grow to $1,042.4 million by 2025. Obviously, AI technologies are going to stay among top-trends of 2021.
3. Video Remote Interpretation - Fast & Safe
VRI saw a great growth in popularity since the pandemic began.Social distancing guidelines in all industries made interpreters go online to take part in every event without the risk of infection, from international business meetings to court sessions. Besides, as it will take some time before a significant number of people is vaccinated, remote interpreters will help if a doctor and a patient speak different languages.
For more details, you may check out the source article on the topic here.
Since 2007, our company Lithotech Medical Ltd, has been involved in a number of R&D projects in the medical device field. During this period Ms Maria Solonina served as our interpreter. Recently, Maria established her own Lingvista company...
» Read more Chairman & CEO of Lithotech Medical Ltd Danny Koren