Home Company News Dear colleagues, the day has come!

Dear colleagues, the day has come!


Every single day is a holiday, literally. Hugging Day, Courtesy Day, Dance or Folksong Day… Meanwhile, what’s celebrated on September, 30? There are people all over the world who would answer the question without any doubts. They are translators!

This year, International Translation Day was on Sunday, so we are glad to congratulate our colleagues on October, 1 – the first working day of a new week.

Dear friends, may the most accurate words come into your mind in the most appropriate moments. We wish all the thoughts were easily translated into every target language, all the negotitations became successfull and all the texts turned out fascinating!

On this occasion, our project manager, cinophile and a keen pastry chef Elena Bekker treated us to an extra delicious cake cooked by her. Translators are people of many talents, aren’t we? It’s worth being celebrated ;)

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