Home Company News US English video voice over

US English video voice over


To introduce a product to foreign consumers, the supplier should speak to them in a language they’d understand - their native language, ideally. We’ve just completed a US English voice over project for our client going to broadcast a promo video overseas. The “voice” of this ad was to be a native US English female speaker living in America. This defined the task for us: getting in touch with American voiceover talents immediately!

When a client needs translation from Russian into a foreign language, it is a must for us to recommend doing it with the help of a target language native speaker. Doubtlessly, native speakers are able to create the best authentic text in their (and the audience’s) mother tongue. More than that, we translate into Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic and other sophisticated languages involving native speakers ONLY. Furthermore, if it’s about RU > EN translations, we ask a client whether UK or US English is preferred, depending on the target location and audience.

This time, the client knew exactly what was needed. The advertisement was meant for the USA, so it was obvious that its “voice” had to be American. More precise: they wanted a friendly female voice over artist aged 30-35 to read the promo text in an enthusiastic manner sparking interest to the product. We selected three voice over talents meeting the portrait and let the client choose the most fitting option. A couple of days later we could hear the chosen voice lively speak about the product in US English, as required.

To reach the foreign audience, a video should pass through several stages:
- promo text translation from Russian into the foreign language and localization, if needed
- proofreading done by a target language native speaker
- editing the final text so that it’s easy to listen
- selecting a suitable voice over artist
- voice recording

We wouldn’t mind getting involved in this creative process again with any future project.

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