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Expectations Vs. Reality


Even in our unstable world and changeable times, there is still one eternal question, which is “What to do?” Namely, what to do if you are a university graduate? And what's your plan if you're going to be a translator after graduation? Last week, Lingvista took part in several industry events doing our best to help students clear things up about their future profession.

Do you remember the sad joke about a graduate who should have at least ten years of experience in their CV to become eligible for a good job? This joke doesn't work for our company. When we have an open position and post relevant updates, we always leave a notification: young specialists are welcome. We offer opportunities for work practice, keep in touch with graduates and therefore have a clear vision of the perspectives for such cooperation. It appeared to be interesting for the Translation Teachers' Association, as they invited us, as potential employers, to participate in their events held together with the Tomsk State University.

On May 16, participants from the translation industry and university professors from all over the country arranged a round table discussion. Which skills and knowledge should a young translator possess by their graduation? What lacks graduates when it comes to real working tasks? Perhaps, this discussion will affect changes to study programmes at faculties of foreign languages, and the graduates will be better prepared for their future employment. No doubt that it will make life easier for their future employers as well!

The next day, May 17, there was a network session involving students and potential employers, where they could meet each other in person. Students from Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Vladivostok, Saint Petersburg, and other Russian cities watched presentations about various translation companies, learned about the modern needs of the industry, noted emails they could send their applications to for work practice, and asked burning questions. Is on-site interpretation still an option? (Spoiler: It is, we arrange interpretation projects in the cities of Russia and abroad, as we used to.) Should everyone immediately give it all up and start learning Chinese? (Spoiler: No way!) Is it true that interpretation jobs are mostly assigned to male interpreters? (Spoiler: They are assigned to those who pass input testing successfully and prove themselves reliable specialists.)

We are certain that being a part of such events is not only useful but also inspiring. It’s great to see the aspiration and genuine engagement in both students and teachers! It proves that the developing translation industry has a bright future. By the way, as recent as last week some study programmes of the TSU have passed another international accreditation. Being invited by the university, we had a word with the commission of experts from Russia and China and shared our experience of cooperation with students and graduates from the TSU.

Meanwhile, the busy month of May goes on! Lingvista sends best wishes: may students pass their exams smoothly, may professors be proud of their students’ success, and may we be involved in new amazing meetings, projects and events.

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    We ordered localization for a batch of videos. We’d like to point out that Lingvista provided us with high-quality services by the agreed deadline...

    Read more Head of Professional Service Department, Sysmex RUS LLC Mayia Noseevich