Dealing with various language pairs, we get in touch with translators from all around the world. Our mailbox is full of all kinds of imaginable names: Gayaneh, Rifgat, Nino, Zhanar, Rustam, Razhab, Sholpan, Laylo… Native Chinese speakers usually tend to choose simple Slavic names we’re used to, for example “Asya” or “Vasya”, thereby setting us free from a torturing decision of how to separate a Chinese first name from a surname. Live & learn!
Adding new language pairs and new cities to our portfolio, we don’t just set pins on our world map, we learn the peculiarities and special traits of every territory and region. They may vary even within our own country. For example, our projects in Ufa and Kazan (the Republics of Bashkortostan and Tatarstan) proved that being an interpreter is more of a “men’s business” there. We drew this conclusion searching for an interpreter and finding mostly CVs of male specialists. The selection process itself is a fascinating and quite complicated matter. We have vast experience here in the field: from dealing with students in their first volunteer projects, to cooperating with true giants of the profession. The age of the oldest interpreter we’ve tested for a project is 78 years!
However, exotic names, age, gender and peculiarities of a national culture don’t really influence the professional qualities of true experts. And we strive to cooperate with those great ones ;)
Whatever task we set before the agency, we always receive a high-quality result we are satisfied with, and we have never heard any complaints from our clients...
» Read more CEO, Lovemedo Branding Agency Alena Fominykh