Home Company News Language statistics overview

Language statistics overview


Which language is the most widely spoken in the world? Many people would say “English” without a moment's hesitation, but the answer would be wrong. According to statistics, Chinese and Spanish are mother tongues for a significantly bigger part of the world’s population. The TOP-3 list is the same in our work too.

Spanish became an absolute number one language in our April projects. The translated documents included agreements, consents, commitment letters, references, certificates, personal papers, etc. It seems like Spain and Latin America are turning into real destination goals this summer, for spending vacations as well as studying and working abroad.

Translations from Russian into Chinese and English were provided to reach the marketing goals of our clients. Some food producers from Tomsk ordered translations of their documents and promo materials for presenting their products at international exhibitions. These translations were done by our reliable partners, Chinese and English native speakers with excellent knowledge of Russian.

Sometimes we manage to communicate with our freelancers from Argentina, New Zealand and China within just one working day. That’s what we call a WIDE range of language experts, literally :)

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    Whatever task we set before the agency, we always receive a high-quality result we are satisfied with, and we have never heard any complaints from our clients...

    Read more CEO, Lovemedo Branding Agency Alena Fominykh