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Quality Assurance

QA – Your Guarantee Of High-Quality Translation

To date, our company has accumulated sufficient experience in translating such materials as web-sites, advertising booklets, video ads, presentations, as well as software descriptions and interfaces. Advertising and presentation information represents your company, and it is necessary to pay great attention to it.

When we take such texts for translation, we try to provide maximal quality since it is successful market access of our partners that depends on it. Processing such materials takes several stages and the final step is QA (quality assurance).

This kind of work implies final check of the material already printed or uploaded to web-site/program for formatting mistakes, too long phrases that do not fit in layout, missed out words, sentences or context mistakes. This quality control is essential if texts are loaded to layout/program or formatted without linguistic help, or it is done automatically.

Before you launch your project at the market, it is very important to perform quality assurance. Ignoring this, you risk displaying information about your company, your product and services to your partners with mistakes. That could lead to unsuccessful entry to foreign market because you never get a second chance to make a first impression.

To know the estimated cost, please call us.

Customer Reviews

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    We work regularly with Lingvista and we definitely recommend it!

    Read more Managing Director, Kotoba Translation Gabriel Francesch